Thursday, December 17, 2015

I Can’t Get All These Containers in for Hammer and Chisel

Ok, so who here feels intimidated by the Masters Hammer and Chisel nutrition plan? I mean seriously, eight different plans depending on if you want to do one of three things lean, maintain or build. DO we really need that many different options?
Many of the questions I have been getting stem around the meal planning process and WHEN to eat specific containers. Let me reassure you that YOU CAN EAT ALL THE CONTAINERS. In fact I tell everyone your meme should be >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
BUT this doesn’t mean that in week 1 you WILL eat all your containers. Your body will adjust to the workouts (“Oh hey your building muscle I need more food”) and adjust to the amount of food you actually need. So do not beat yourself up if you don’t get everything in the first week… It’s cool. But what should I skip if I need to you, you might ask? For me I would skip a yellow because I am carb sensitive (meaning my body stores carbs as fat rather than energy if I eat too many). However, I would suggest that lighter lifting days (cardio and plyometrics) would be good days to “skip” a container or two. Also, be creative with your containers. I get one of my yellows and a green in with my Shakeology which knocks off one of each container for me for the day. Yes it’s filling but your body NEEDS it!

Ok so let’s back up. One of the questions the guide asks to help determine your meal plan is “What is your goal?” Here is where I am going to throw out everything you THINK you know about goal setting
  • Leaning out is not massive weight loss. If you have MORE than 12-15lbs to lose I would NOT suggest this program if your goal is to lose fat. Leaning out and fat lose are NOT the same. Leaning out is building lean muscle mass. Therefore, if your goal is lean out expect to still be building. This is ideal for right before bikini season (or a cruise, vacation, wedding, etc.). You know how bears store up and hibernate for the winter well humans building muscle need to do the same thing. During the winter you should be building up muscle mass so that come summer all you do is switch up the diet and BAM sexy sleek muscles!
  • Maintaining is NOT keeping your body at the same shape just keeping the body at the same WEIGHT. So you will be building more lean muscle by turning your fat stores into energy stores. I typically recommend this for people who do NOT want to “get fat” (which you won’t on this plan) but don’t want to bulk up. So all you “leaners” this is your winter program. You
    will certainly notice changes in your body. Muscle is denser than fat therefore a pound of fat take up WAY more space on your body than a pound of muscle. Ya feel me, see where I am going with this? Even though your weight will NOT change, your measurements will. Slimmer hips and waist, your thighs may get bigger (but its lean muscle people and muscle is sexier than skinny).
  • Build is gonna be mostly for our gents, people training for competition and those individuals who actually need to PUT ON WEIGHT. The same rules apply for build as for maintain in terms of muscle growth and fat loss except this time your weight and measurements will go up.

SO does anyone need to re-evaluate their goals?

Nutrient timing is one of the MOST confusing things EVER! We have these containers that take a while to get used to and now we have to figure out when the best time to eat all the containers is.
Let me break it down in an example and then explain.
Take into assumption that my workout is at 8am and I am on plan B (4g, 4 r, 3p, 3y, 1b, 1o, 4 tsp)
6 am
Wake up- 8 oz of water
Shakeology (1r, 1g, 1p, 1 tsp)
1y (complex carb) and ENERGIZE
WORKOUT with Hydrate
RECOVER and 1p
1r, 1y, 1g, 1b, 1tsp
1r, 1g, 1p
1r, 1y, 1g, 1o, 1 tsp
RECHARGE with 1tsp

Here are some guidelines to think about
1. Time your yellows and purples around your workout. Yellows when eaten at the correct time provide ENERGY to your muscles. They should be taken 30-45 min prior to working out. In addition you will notice that the last yellow is consumed in early evening. This is important because if you eat yellows too close to bed than the body doesn’t burn the energy so it stores it as FAT. 

2.  Reds provide growth and recovery for muscles. Ideally you should have a protein POST workout however if you are taking the performance than you can have your reds spread out throughout your day and drink Recover post workout. Keep your reds lean and switch them up because you will get tired of eggs every morning and chicken every night.

3.  Best post workout meals would include a red, yellow, green and blue if eaten within ONE HOUR after working out. If the meal is eaten more than 60 min from workout than either remove the yellow or the blue since your body is essentially done burning and has switched to being at rest.

4. Drink LOTS AND LOTS of WATER. Like a gallon. Seriously, this will help your muscles flush out toxins and hydrates your cells.

5. If you are an instructor  you have 2 options
a.       Treat your class as your workout. This is great for formats like PiYo and Cize because you are moving with the class the entire time.
b.      Switch up your meal plan so that you have enough calories to get through the day. For example if you work out first thing in the AM eat 1-2r, 1-g, 1y and 1p right after your workout. Your body is still burning up to an hour after exercise so consuming high calories is acceptable. The prior to teaching class fuel with 1red and 1y 

One last thing… Why is the Performance Line NOT counted toward containers?? Simply put, when taken at the correct time the calories ingested are burned or stored to help your muscles. Remember this is a muscle building program and muscles need calories to grow and recover. The supplements in the Performance Line are scientifically formulated to help your body build muscle. A quick review of when these should be taken:
Energize- 15-30 min prior to workout
Hydrate- during workout in 8 oz of water (or 16 oz if the workout is 60 min)
Recover- IMMEDIATELY after workout (no more than 30 min after)
Creatinine- just mix it in with Recover
Recharge- 1 hour before bed

For more information about the Performance Line check out my take on Youtube

Was your question NOT answered? Post it in the comments.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

One Program, Two Trainers: Hammer and Chisel Has Been Released

The newest program, The Master's Hammer and Chisel is NOW available on The much anticipated collaboration of the creator of the 21 Day Fix, Autumn Calabrese and the BEAST Sagi Kalev is a game changer in home fitness!

What's The Hype About?
Here's what I think...

  • scientifically designed program that includes all three phases of muscle sculpting- SSP training (strength, stability and power)
  • simplified nutrition (no counting calories or points)
  • intense workouts- get the results in half the time
  • increase endurance, stability, strength, agility and power
As a coach my JOB is to motivate and inspire

Here's the SCOOP
1.  The Master’s Hammer and Chisel is a full 60-day program built on the three phases of SSP Training—Stabilization, Strength, and Power

What does this mean for YOU? No more supplementing additional workouts. It's a one stop shop for muscle building and fat scorching..

2.  Nutrition is KEY

Fuel your body for demanding workouts and achieve your best results with a straightforward portion-control nutrition plan that you can customize to meet your goals—whether you want to lean out, sculpt and maintain what you’ve got, or build muscle.

3. Designed to take your fitness to the NEXT level

Intended for those with a fitness baseline. It's you've completed 21 Day Fix Extreme or Body Beast than your next program should be H&C. Includes a modifier who demonstrates some moves at a lower intensity and options to adapt certain exercises if you have limited access to equipment.

Jaclyn's 60 Day Results!
Autumn does explain that this is a program for those who are somewhat familiar with some weight lifting.  It's an awesome program for graduates of the 21 Day Fix, the P90X series, or even Body Beast.  

It is a different format than other Beachbody workouts- time and repetition are a huge part of the program. You'll even notice that the warm up is different! 

Perry's 60 Day Results!
Workout Schedule
  • You'll workout 6x a week.  You work 3 days on, one day off.  There is a total of 16 workouts with 2 ab workouts and each week is designed differently.  You won't follow the same sequence.  
  • Average workout duration 30-40 minutes.
Equipment is needed
Optional Equipment
Not required but will only increase your results
1. Beachbody On Demand. Not always at home to workout or simply enjoy going into the gym? Stream your workouts from any laptop, smartphone or tablet. Register for your Club Membership and receive INSTANT access to H&C as soon as you purchase, no waiting for your program to ship.
2. Beachbody Performance Recover and Recharge to rest muscles and prevent soreness!
3. Beachbody Energize- because well, when you workout at 5 am... you need some go juice!

How to get Guaranteed Results?
I'm a firm believer of support and accountability and there is no better way to get this than to join a challenge group. Starting  December 7th I will be hosting an online challenge group.To learn how you can get in on the action check out the Facebook Events Page 

What you can to to get started
1. Get the necessary equipment 
2. Get a sneak peek of the program with a FREE 30 day trial of Beachbody On Demand. Click here to join. (Club membership allows you to stream tons of Beachbody workouts like P90x, Insanity and TurboFire. If you continue membership you are billed $39.97 every 3 months.)

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Abs Are Built in the Kitchen

You can do as many crunches and can hold a plank for 30 min but if you don't have your nutrition dialed in than your 6 pack will remain hidden under a layer of FLAB!

I am still not cleared to workout (follow up with the vascular surgeon on Wednesday, fingers crossed for some good news) but that does not mean I can't get my six pack back. Sure they won't be as "full" since I won't be working them as hard but they can be defined. How do I plan to do this?

The 21 Day Fix nutrition guide.

I get to personalize my meal plan to include foods I LOVE and are good for nursing mommas.

That brings me to the nursing part... Nutrition has to be specialized to ensure I am providing little man with the BEST. I have increased some of my containers (one additional red and one additional green) to ensure that my calorie intake is adequate. Nursing mommas need to keep in mind several things with their nutrition:
1. will what I'm eating impact my milk supply?
2. does baby seem to have an aversion to what I am eating?
3. am I drinking enough water?

Foods I will be avoiding
broccoli (causes gas)
cauliflower (causes gas)
brussel sprouts (causes gas)
intense hot spices
parsley (impacts supply)
peppermint (impacts supply)
citrus fruits (can cause fussiness, spit up and diarrhea)
garlic (foul taste)

Foods I will increase to help supply:
sweet potatoes
brown rice
lean protein sources (brain development)

<<<< But for all of you that are looking to get some ab gym time check out some of these ab crushing moves. **Please consult your doctor or midwife prior to beginning any workout regimen** 

Looks like a lot of food
So here is my meal plan for this week>>>>
I am all about simple and duplicates. You'll notice that I have my water intake at 1 gallon every day. I have been drinking a gallon of water everyday for a year and half. I recommend taking a week to gradually increase to a gallon if you do not drink a lot of water. Here's why
1. you pee A LOT
2. it's a TON of water and many people feel bloated if they just jump into drinking a full gallon
3. you MIGHT get a headache. I did the first couple of days but now if I don't drink that much water I have an intense migraine the following day
4. If you are nursing, be warned that your baby will pee A LOT TOO!

If you are interested in following my daily journey come follow me on FB

Friday, November 13, 2015

My Newborn Son SAVED My Life

Our happy little family
On November 6,2015  the birth of my son was life or death situation for me.

Any parent-to-be can come up with numerous worst-case scenarios when it comes to the birth of their child. It is natural to have anxiety about giving birth especially when everyone is offering their horror stories.

But what happens when the unexpected really does happen?

I have been hesitant about publically discussing this story but in talking with my midwife, I realized that I NEEDED to share my story. It is an imprint on my fabric. As November is the month of giving thanks, I cannot express my thanks to my son Gage Emerson, my 8lb 6oz lifesaver!

My labor started as many do; uncomfortable contractions, sleepless nights and anxiety that soon our lives were going to CHANGE! We went to the hospital on Thursday November 5th around 9:30 am and were told to go walk the mall for two hours (yup went too soon but something in my gut said we needed to be there). After walking every level of the mall, we went back and surprise, no progress but the midwives admitted us anyway.

After several hours with little progress, I opted for the epidural, where I met the other man that saved my life. As my epidural was placed, the anesthesiologist noticed that my O2 level in my blood was low, 92%. A normal level for a healthy person (and if you followed my pregnancy you would know I focused on being at optimal health) is between 98-100%. So I was put on oxygen, which would increase my O2 level immediately, but it didn’t.

So the question my anesthesiologist wanted answered was WHY? I was asked question like “have you been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder?” “Have you ever had numbness in your leg or severe swelling?” “Any instances of  shortness of breath or heart racing while at rest?”. My answer to all, “no”.  After continued persistence from the anesthesiologist the internal medicine physician on call was consulted, who ordered an x-ray and sonogram of my legs in addition to more blood draws.
The scary verdict… massive blood clots in my left leg or deep vein thrombosis (DVT)!

The game plan… place me on blood thinners. There were two concerns. First, while giving birth the current clots could dislodge and travel to my lungs (pulmonary embolism). Although blood thinners cannot treat the current clot is can prevent any new clots from forming. The second, being on blood thinners during a vaginal delivery has high risk of increased bleeding of the perineum. At this point, the perinatal neonatal specialist (high risk OB specialists) were consulted.
So blessed to be holding my son 

There was more unfortunate news, the epidural had to be removed since blood thinners cannot be given while an epidural is in place. I immediately went into defeat mode “I can’t do this” I cried. All I heard from the entire room of people (about 7-8 including Kurt and my mother) was “YES YOU CAN!” The epidural was removed around midnight and it was a waiting game; for the epidural to wear off, for my labor to progress and for the 4 hour time lapse so blood thinners could be started.
We didn’t wait long because my water broke and I progressed from 4cm to 8cm in less than 15 min. So things were expedited. It appeared Baby K was coming in a hurry all the sudden… As we began to discuss the labor process I was introduced to the infamous midwife known as “No tear Jerry”. For those not familiar with child birth, there is a section known as the perineum (between vagina and anus) that often time tears as the baby is born. Jerry began prepping me for my un-medicated journey and her approach was very non-conventional.

I was NOT going to push this baby out! Say what?! No pushing. Instead Baby K would make his way down the birth canal with the help of the contractions. When I get to this part of the story, everyone asks “how do you NOT push?” It’s instinct to push regardless if you have an epidural or not. I wasn’t given any instruction on how to NOT push but everyone trusted that my body would do what it needed to.

The OR was completely SILENT except for me screaming, my amazing no nonsense nurse and Jerry. I cannot tell you exactly how I did it. I can only say that there was a greater power within me that took over. The neonatal specialist said she had never seen anything like it; the left side of my body was completely limp while the right side of my body took all the pressure and stress. My mother (a total rock star) endured over an hour and a half of me squeezing her hand (I popped several blood vessels in her hand) and supporting my right arm. After what seemed like an eternity the first cries of my precious little angel filled the OR.
My first official photo with my little man

With only a slight tear, the midwife certainly lived up to her name! As they cleaned up little sir I lay on the OR table dazed, almost an out of body experience. I was responding to questions but extremely lethargic. My body however was convulsing uncontrollably and then they moved me from the OR table to an ICU bed and handed me Gage. No one rushed me, I just held my sweet sir and kissed him and stared at my perfect savior. Finally, I knew the time had come where I had to say goodbye to him and head to the ICU while he went to the nursery.  Such a hard thing to do and the second time I have departed from my newborn child due to complications (after Lorelai was born she spontaneously popped both her lungs and spent 12 days in the NICU).

oh man 6 months of self injections
Where I have to inject myself
While in the ICU numerous tests were order including CTC scan, EKG with bubble, endless blood samples, and more. The verdict… the clots in my leg were not new and had not broken off and traveled to my lungs. I was placed on heparin finally but then the next concern, how to prevent new clots from forming long term and was it safe to breast feed while on therapy? After discussion with the vascular surgeon I decided to do twice daily injections of Lovenox for a minimum of six months.

As I continue to relive this event in my mind and through discussion the recurring theme is how blessed I am to be holding my son. My labor is certainly a case study that will be discussed by not only OB but vascular, cardiac and anesthesiology departments.

I cannot express my unending gratitude to everyone involved in this miraculous delivery. It was certainly orchestrated chaos. My son saved my life. Had we not conceived this little miracle who knows if the blood clots would ever have been discovered until it was too late to resolve.

Gage thank you so much for coming into our lives when we needed you the most and did not know it! I LOVE YOU!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Golden Egg Opportunity

What’s a Golden Egg Opportunity anyway?

Hear me out on this… I embarked on my personal fitness and health journey almost 3 years ago. I wasn't seeking a quick fix because I had TRIED them all!!! For someone who was skinny fat, I fell for the gimmicks pills and pink drinks offered. I mean who wouldn't fall for advertisement that did require you do ANYTHING except drink something or swallow a pill or two? So did those things work? Yeah sure they did. I became an emaciated person that not many people recognized and even went to the ER due to stomach pains that my doctor concluded were because of the CRAP I was ingesting…

So the month after I was laid off from my corporate job I was visiting my best friend and she had a bag of Shakeology on her counter. After a brief conversation she got me in touch with her cousin who “sold it”. This complete STRANGER actually emailed me back and asked me questions about my fitness level, my eating habits and WHY I was interested in Shakeology (I didn't even know there was a fitness aspect at all). After several exchanges I decided to “try out” Insanity: Asylum along with Shakeology. I was going into this “challenge group” thing completely BLIND!!! I didn't know a single person in the group (not even my coach) and then was being asked to post pictures!!! UMM ok you have LOST your MIND!!!

1 year into the business and I purchased my property all with my earnings!
Well that perspective lasted 2 weeks! I contacted my coach and said “I want to do what you are doing”. “Jackpot” she was thinking, “I've caught another one”! WRONG! We spent time talking about WHAT this business is, how my personality would fit into the team and ensuring I knew what I was getting myself into. You see I STILL didn’t have a job offer on the table so I was certainly NOT in the position as a single mom with a mortgage, car payment and student loans to be just THROWING my money into a scheme (although until recently I think my family thought that was what I was doing).

Fast track 3 years, I am a leader on one of the elite teams in the business and my own team is GROWING… This is where YOU come in. The Golden Egg Opportunity is me offering you an elite spot on my team to maximize growth and potential. Through personal support and training, I am committed to helping others find the financial success they have wanted on their own terms.

The nature of this opportunity is that there are only 3 spots available… I know super exclusive but well worth it!!! 

In order to take advantage of this offer please complete the attached form below. Submissions close on Sunday August 29,2015

Fill out my online form.
Use Wufoo integrations and get your data to your favorite apps.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Feel the Burn: The DL on Lactic Acid

I don't know if it's because I am pregnant or if I am just noticing it more because I am not working my body the same, but man is the BURN for REAL!

I often hear from clients that they HAD to take several days off because the burn in their muscles was so intense, like can't sit down without looking like you have major hemorrhoid issues, BAD! We have all been there and will likely be there again! We often times blame this burn on lactic acid but really it is hydrogen break down that is causing the burn!!! What's more the lactic acid build up is actually essential for easing muscle mid-workout burn.

So let's break this down into it's components.

What is Lactic Acid?
Actually called lactate, it's a by product of glycolysis; breaking down of carbs, glycogen, and other molecules to produce a high-energy compound called ATP. ATP is then broken down, releasing energy and other molecules, including hydrogen, into the muscles (Janet Hamilton, C.S.C.S., an exercise physiologist at Running Strong in Atlanta).

So Why Hydrogen?
It all has to do with your body's pH level during exercise. Hydrogen builds up which lowers your pH causing your body to be more acidic (I know a little middle chemistry lesson here but stay with me). This acidic environment interferes with your muscle fibers ability to contract. That's the B U R N you feel. 

When Can this be Expected?
The accumulation of hydrogen begins when you have surpassed your anaerobic threshold (about 85-90% of your maximum heart rate). Training for 20-30 min at your 85-90% maximum heart rate will increase your lactate threshold.

How Long Does It Last?
The muscle soreness associated with the workout burn should diminish within in several hours after an intense workout. So all those clients who are feeling the pain days later are experiencing actually experiencing something called "delayed onset  muscle soreness". This is actually when you you have micro tears and/or swelling in your muscles (needed for muscle growth). 

What Can You Do to Alleviate the Pain?
To put it simply, there isn't any way to PREVENT glycolysis, unless you are planning on NOT digging deep and pushing hard during your exercises. However you can alleviate some of the pain by

  1. Continue to exercise intensely for 20-30 min/day 3-5x/week. I know crazy, exercise more to decrease the burn. Remember we can improve our threshold. Think about it, when you start a new exercise program like Max 30, isn't the first week the toughest? You are sore, you barely last to the first water break and you are exhausted. However as you continue through the next three weeks, your time improves, your muscles last longer and you begin to feel energized... You are increasing your threshold just by being consistent every day.
  2. Stay HYDRATED! This doesn't mean drinking just while working out but also throughout the day. This does not include sugary, preservative loaded carbonated drinks. You best bet is is a drink that is well balanced in healthy sugars, electrolytes, and water (also known as fluids osmolality). Try something like Beachbody Performance Line: Hydrate as an alternative.
  3. Know your limits. If starting a new high intense program be sure you know how to modify if needed to avoid injury. Always speak to a medical professional is you are ensure the workout regimen is appropriate for you. 
  4. Educate yourself so you know the difference between acidic imbalance due to accumulation of hydrogen and delayed onset muscle soreness. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Quinoa Salad With A ZING

Talk about AMAZEBALLS... I am a HUGE fan of quinoa and any opportunity I get to incorporate it into my meal plans I do!

While on an excursion with my mother to register for baby items and find a comfortable chair out tummies started rumbling... We had the option to go to the mall food court (gross) or to sit down for a meal at PF Chang's but then we walked past Zoe's Kitchen.

Now I am not a salad fan although I wish I were one. So of course my eyeballs searched all the other categories. Then I saw it! QUINOA!!!

Here is my spin on Quinoa Salad.

Makes 1 serving

What You Need:
1/4 cup cooked quinoa
1 cup shredded Romaine Lettuce
4 cherry tomatoes (halved)
1/4 cup cucumbers (diced)
5 Kalamata Olives (halved)
1 Tbs feta cheese
2 tsp Olive Oil
1 tsp fresh lemon juice
salt (optional to taste)
pepper (optional to taste)
3 oz. lean protein (optional)

What You Need to Do:
1. Cook quinoa according to directions on packaging. I like mine to be cold for this recipe so I prepped the day before and let it cool overnight in the refrigerator.
2. Prep all veggies
3. Mix all ingredients together

Fix portions
1 RED (optional)
1 tsp

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Not Your Boring Salmon

I have been known to go on cleanses* at least once a year (this year excluded due to being preggo my eggo). I am NOT about juicing or fasting or diet pills; no thanks I like to actually EAT! so here is a delicious recipe from one of the cleanses I did last year. I have incorporated it into my pregnancy meal plan because it is FULL of all the healthy things I need and has GREAT flavor!!

Makes 1 Serving

What You Need
·         1 clove garlic, chopped
·         2 tsp. EVOO (extra virgin olive oil)
·         1 Tbsp. chopped fresh basil
·         ¼ tsp. Himalayan salt
·         ½ tsp. herbal seasoning (salt free)
·         1 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
·         1 Tbsp. Chopped fresh parsley
·         1 (6oz.) salmon fillet

v What You Need to Do
Combine garlic, EVOO, basil, salt, herbal seasoning, and lemon in small bowl and mix well. Place salmon in shallow dish and pour marinade over, refrigerate for at least 20 min, turning salmon over after 10 min to coat both sides.

Preheat oven to 350. Please salmon on aluminum foil and drizzle marinade over. Sea
l salmon in foil. Bake for 20 min or until salmon flakes with a fork. Garnish with parsley

To finish your meal off add some boiled baby potatoes (lightly coated with EVOO, Himalayan salt and pepper) and steamed asparagus!

*For more information about the Ultimate Rest check this LINK out!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Pregnant and Stripping

My eating habits that is!!!

So being 19 weeks pregnant I have found that workouts are tougher and food just doesn't taste the same. I have made some REALLY BAD CHOICES in the past several weeks (cinnamon buns, fried food, too many carbs) and I have been feeling it!

So I am embarking on a stripped meal plan with some other challengers. I am taking what I learned from the Ulitmate Reset (UR) and twisting into a pregnancy approved program.
I'm tired of not having energy during my workouts and having HUGE cravings for foods that I KNOW are unhealthy for me. I am tired of being constipated and swollen. I have decided to get my healthy habits back. 
I am a 2 time UR graduate and it is my FAVORITE program. It requires an amount of discipline and dedication that I thought I possessed but I needed to test myself. In a nutshell you strip your body of all the harmful chemicals and artificial ingredients and get back to the basics. You drink a TON of water, eat whole foods (no juice cleanses or starvation) and take carefully formulated supplements to ensure proper detox. Check out what I learned the from my first go around!
So how am I restructuring te UR for pregnancy? Obviously one of the perks of the UR is weight loss. Well I am WELL aware that weight loss is not really practical for me during my pregnancy as I was at competition weight when I got pregnant so I should be gaining. I do know that now more than EVER I need my body to be digesting foods efficiently and effectively. I'm not taking the supplements. I am drinking a gallon of water a day (with 1/4 tsp. of Himalayan salt added- creates perfect alkalinity). I am not going to be reducing my protein intake throughout the next 3 weeks. Instead I will be rotating recipes and snacks so I can ensure I get the proper nutrition. I am drinking Shakeology (duh, haven't missed a day in all of 2015). I am exercising... I have chosen to do the 21 Day Fix because the workouts are tough but I can modify as needed (sorry Shaun T but we will meet again at Summit). 

If you are interested in learning more about the Ultimate Reset post in the comments below. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Caramel Apple Dip the Healthy Way

Memorial Day is just around the corner which means cookouts, pool time and FOOD!!! Now as a pregnant lady I could just say "F this, I'm eating what I want" BUT that will not serve me well come late November when I am able to get my workout back on... I have SUCH a sweet tooth (even before I got pregnant) that I find myself looking for options that satisfy both my inner fat kid and won't add to my growing belly. My sister always makes this dip for large family gatherings so I revamped it to be a bit healthier... Super excited to try this version out this weekend!

What You Need
* 8 oz low fat cream cheese (softened- this means leave it out of the fridge for at least an hour)
* 1/2 tub of fat free Cool Whip (about 6 oz)
*16 oz jar of caramel sauce (there are healthy options low sugar options, stick with one of those)
* 1 cup of granola
*1/2 cup semi sweet mini morsel chocolate chips (optional- sweet tooth remember)
* apple slices- I like Granny smith since they are a tad bitter

What You Need To Do
1. Mix together SOFTENED cream cheese and Cool Whip. You can hand mix or use electric mixer but you want it smooth so the softer the cream cheese the easier this will be if mixing by hand.

2. Place mixture in shallow serving bowl.

3. Top with layer of caramel sauce.

4. If you are serving right away you can add the granola immediately. If traveling to your gathering, wait to put the granola on when you get there.. it keeps it crunchy!

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Hawaiian BBQ Style Sloppy Joes

The sloppiest piece of heaven I've had in quite some time!!

I am not a HUGE fan of sloppy joes. I think it's the mess it makes and the grease, it just doesn't sit well with me. I am however a majorly huge fan of pulled chicken and bbq so when I saw this recipe I just HAD to try it.

Note this recipe is from eMeals. You can subscribe to their meal planning services by following this link.

Makes 6 servings

What you need:

  • 2 tbs EVOO
  • 3 lb skinless chicken breast (bone-in is preferred since getting it out of the crockpot is difficult... I learned the HARD way)
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 1 c unsweetened pineapple juice (only ingredient should be pressed pineapple)
  • 6 oz can of tomato paste
  • 3 tbs low sodium soy sauce (or amino acids)
  • 1 tbs apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tbs cornstarch
  • whole wheat burger buns (optional, I ate leftovers without the bun and it was just as delicious)
What you need to do
  1. Heat all the oil in skillet over medium heat; add chicken
  2. Brown the chicken for 3-4 min then place in crockpot on LOW
  3. Top chicken with onion
  4. Mix together pineapple, tomato paste, soy sauce and vinegar; add to crock pot
  5. Cover and cook for 5-6 hours. This could be longer depending on how thick the breasts are. I had mine in for 7 and it was TENDER
  6. Once cooked remove chicken and shred with fork
  7. Add cornstarch to mixture in crock pot and increase to HIGH; cook for 30 min or until thickened
  8. Add sauce to shredded chicken 

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Reading a Nutrition Label

Alright this W A Y back to health class in middle school/high school. Did you have a unit on nutrition? Was a nutrition label briefly explained (primarily its location). Now that you are older, wiser and concerned about your health and nutrition, knowing how to look at a nutrition label and really understand the different components and how they are calculated is you NEXT step in building a lifestyle based off macro nutrition.

Below is a sample nutrition guide for Quaker Granola. I have provided some explanations on side for your reference.
Serving Size
This number determines the amount of all the other nutrients included in the label. The first thing you should know and should always keep in the back of your mind is that this number is derived from the manufacturer.  That means that 1 serving does not necessarily mean that you should eat the entire manufacturer serving. For example, a serving of Quaker Granola is 1/2 cup. That is A LOT of granola in terms of nutrients. An actual serving for a meal plan would likely be 2 Tbs (or 1/4 cup). So the manufacturer's serving has 1/2 a cup but really a typically serving would be 1/4 cup. Let's see how that would change the calories for the Quaker Granola:
1/2 cup = 237 calories
1/4 cup= 118.65calories

Think of calories as energy. In order to sustain your everyday activities you must consume enough calories throughout your day. The amount of calories is determined on your current weight, your overall goal (weight loss, gain or maintain) and your activity level. The calories are the SUM of all the nutrients (per serving).

You should know that there are 
4 calories per gram of PROTEIN and CARBOHYDRATE
9 calories per gram of FAT

There is also a not so noticeable "calories from fat". Discussion on fat below but note that this number includes all types of fats; healthy and not so healthy.

Not the route of all evil, fats get a BAD wrap. A well balanced diet requires fats just making sure the right kind. You will noticed that there are multiple listed.
Saturated fats- are directly linked to your cholesterol. The higher amount of saturated fats the higher level of cholesterol (LDL- low density lipoprotein). According to the American Heart Association elevated amount of saturated fats and high levels of cholesterol can lead to a greater risk of heart disease and stroke. Saturated fats will solidify when at room temperature. These are considered "unhealthy fats" and should be limited to less than 7% of your daily fat allowance. Common sources are fatty proteins (beef, lamb, poultry), lard, cheese, and butter. 

Unsaturated fats- also listed as Polyunsaturated and Monounsaturated fats, are considered healthy and are what the majority of your daily fat percentage should come from. Common sources are nuts, vegetable oils, and fish. There are no guidelines on how much of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats you should consume so rule of thumb stick within your daily fat allowance. Switch up your cooking methods to use olive or coconut oils instead of saturated fats like Crisco. \

Trans fats- come from two primary sources, naturally in small amounts of animal and dairy fats (CDC, 2014) and artificially manufactured. Although the natural source is hard to avoid, the artificial source caused much up roar in the US recently. Trans fat is cheap to manufacture and increased the life shelf of processed foods. Manufacturers were being pressured to lower their use of trans fat and some states even mandated that restaurants and other foods service industries restrict the use (CDC, 2014). The common culprits of trans fat are fried foods, cake, cookies, over processed foods (frozen pizzas), coffee creamers, etc. 

My FAVORITE nutrient but also one that I am sensitive to. Consuming carbs provided glucose to the body which is transformed into energy. Well if we need lots of energy than we should eat LOTS of carbs, right? WRONG! Although they are trafmorned into energy if the energy is NOT used than they are reverted to fat. So, determining your carbohydrate intake should be based on how active you are! Carbohydrates are broken down into two categories
Complex- aka good carbs
Starches- must be digested before it can be transformed into glucose. Starch are found in vegetables, breads and grains
Dietary Fiber- is indigestible and is found in vegetables, fruits and whole grain. it is recommended that you get 14g per 1,000 calories consumed (CDC, 2014). 
Simple- also referred to as bad carbs. Naturally or manufactured, sugars should be carefully watched.
Sugars- Those commonly used are refined sugar, corn syrup, glucose, honey, fruit juice concentrate, lactose, dextrose, fructose, etc. No true nutritional value, sugars are immediately reverted to fat in the body. 

Every cell in our body consists of protein! Constantly in a state of damage and repair, proteins are digested into amino acids which aid in this damage/repair process. Protein can be found in meat, tofu, eggs, nuts/seeds, milk and milk products. A complete source of protein would be one that provides you with all the essential amino acids. An incomplete source has lower amino acid profile. Recommended amount depends again on your activity level. The CDC has a great chart that provides approximate amount based on age and gender, 

American Heart Association (2015). Saturated fats.

CDC (2014). Carbohydrates.
CDC (2014). Dietary Fiber.
CDC (2014). Protein.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Fix EXTREME Turkey Chili

Anyone who knows me and my family knows we LOVE our chili. We have tried many varieties and I have to say this may be my FAVORITE!!!

If you are following the 21 Day Fix, Fix Extreme or Max 30 than this will fit RIGHT into your containers!!!

Makes 6 servings
1 Serving= 1 cup

1 red, 1/2 green, 1/2 yellow

What You Need
1 tsp. olive oil
1.5 lb 93% lean ground turkey'
1 medium onion, chopped
1 medium green pepper, chopped
3 cloves of garlic
1.5 tsp. ground cumin
1Tbsp. chili powder
1 tsp. Himalayan Salt
1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper
2 (15oz.) cans black beans, drained, rinsed
1 (15oz.) can diced tomatoes (low sugar)
12 fresh cilantro sprigs (optional)

What You Need to Do

1. Heat the oil in large skillet (medium high heat)
2. Add turkey, onion, green pepper and garlic to skillet. Cook for 5-8 min stirring frequently.
3. Add cumin, chili powder, salt and cayenne pepper. Cook for an additional minute.
4. Add beans and tomatoes (with liquid). Bring to boil. Reduce heat to LOW.
5. Cook on LOW for 15-20 minutes or until thickened.
6. Serve warm with cilantro to garnish.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Family Grocery Shopping for under $100

How often do you associate clean eating with being uber EXPENSIVE? When I first embarked on a clean lifestyle I too got wrapped up in the trap of clean = organic and I quickly learned "I can't afford to eat clean!" As a single parent who had recently purchased her first home (and car) and then was laid off from her job, I was in NO position to be spending $2.50 on a organic spinach when I could get the store brand 2 for $2. So, I didn't and guess what? I still saw results not only in my health but also in my savings account.

I was literally living  paycheck to paycheck. I didn't have extra money to purchase my daughter even a small little something at the store. BUT I was DETERMINED to make this lifestyle work for me because I knew something had to give. I spent a few months buying organic, shopping at what I call "frufru" stores, and bought everything FRESH. I quickly learned that 1. I could not afford this lifestyle and 2. I didn't have to break my wallet to or learn extreme couponing (because who needs 8 tubes of toothpaste) to save tons of money at the grocery store.

Here are the things I learned:

Just like any business meeting, concert, or event there is always a plan. A guideline. Why should shopping be any different? I grew up in a family where we went down every freaking aisle!! What does that get you? EXTRA CRAP! Organize your grocery shopping list by clumping items based off where they are located and take the same route.
      A. you will learn where the store "hides" all your go to items
      B. you will not be tempted by the candy or snack aisle as they will not be on your route

Eat leftovers
My meal plans have repeats. Yes, it may be kind of boring but I save money in the long run. My dinner on Tuesday will be my lunch for Wednesday.

Get BULK when you can
I eat a shit ton of oats, chicken and egg white so I do not waste my money on those items at my
standard grocery store. I plan a trip to a whole sale club. Guess what, your cleaning supplies, toiletries and paper products can be purchased there too!

I buy my veggies FROZEN
No not my spinach but my broccoli, green beans, mixed variety I head right to the frozen aisle. For $.99 you can get a frozen bag (3 servings). Although fresh is best, if you do NOT think you will eat all the fresh veggies you bought (for example you only planned for 1 serving of broccoli in your meal plan) a bunch will not get eaten and then you are WASTING money.

Buy STORE brand instead of name brand
Just like when you buy a car, you are paying for a name. Most likely the ingredients are the same but the store brand of your favorite cereal is always going to be more expensive than the store brand. I have taught this tactic to my daughter. She now looks at the prices of her items on the list and chooses the ones that are less expensive.

Do not think of yourself as being cheap, you are being smart. You make strides with your budget in terms of eating out, having date nights, buying extravagant items, building your savings why wouldn't you be SMART about the shopping you MUST do every week.