Thursday, December 17, 2015

I Can’t Get All These Containers in for Hammer and Chisel

Ok, so who here feels intimidated by the Masters Hammer and Chisel nutrition plan? I mean seriously, eight different plans depending on if you want to do one of three things lean, maintain or build. DO we really need that many different options?
Many of the questions I have been getting stem around the meal planning process and WHEN to eat specific containers. Let me reassure you that YOU CAN EAT ALL THE CONTAINERS. In fact I tell everyone your meme should be >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
BUT this doesn’t mean that in week 1 you WILL eat all your containers. Your body will adjust to the workouts (“Oh hey your building muscle I need more food”) and adjust to the amount of food you actually need. So do not beat yourself up if you don’t get everything in the first week… It’s cool. But what should I skip if I need to you, you might ask? For me I would skip a yellow because I am carb sensitive (meaning my body stores carbs as fat rather than energy if I eat too many). However, I would suggest that lighter lifting days (cardio and plyometrics) would be good days to “skip” a container or two. Also, be creative with your containers. I get one of my yellows and a green in with my Shakeology which knocks off one of each container for me for the day. Yes it’s filling but your body NEEDS it!

Ok so let’s back up. One of the questions the guide asks to help determine your meal plan is “What is your goal?” Here is where I am going to throw out everything you THINK you know about goal setting
  • Leaning out is not massive weight loss. If you have MORE than 12-15lbs to lose I would NOT suggest this program if your goal is to lose fat. Leaning out and fat lose are NOT the same. Leaning out is building lean muscle mass. Therefore, if your goal is lean out expect to still be building. This is ideal for right before bikini season (or a cruise, vacation, wedding, etc.). You know how bears store up and hibernate for the winter well humans building muscle need to do the same thing. During the winter you should be building up muscle mass so that come summer all you do is switch up the diet and BAM sexy sleek muscles!
  • Maintaining is NOT keeping your body at the same shape just keeping the body at the same WEIGHT. So you will be building more lean muscle by turning your fat stores into energy stores. I typically recommend this for people who do NOT want to “get fat” (which you won’t on this plan) but don’t want to bulk up. So all you “leaners” this is your winter program. You
    will certainly notice changes in your body. Muscle is denser than fat therefore a pound of fat take up WAY more space on your body than a pound of muscle. Ya feel me, see where I am going with this? Even though your weight will NOT change, your measurements will. Slimmer hips and waist, your thighs may get bigger (but its lean muscle people and muscle is sexier than skinny).
  • Build is gonna be mostly for our gents, people training for competition and those individuals who actually need to PUT ON WEIGHT. The same rules apply for build as for maintain in terms of muscle growth and fat loss except this time your weight and measurements will go up.

SO does anyone need to re-evaluate their goals?

Nutrient timing is one of the MOST confusing things EVER! We have these containers that take a while to get used to and now we have to figure out when the best time to eat all the containers is.
Let me break it down in an example and then explain.
Take into assumption that my workout is at 8am and I am on plan B (4g, 4 r, 3p, 3y, 1b, 1o, 4 tsp)
6 am
Wake up- 8 oz of water
Shakeology (1r, 1g, 1p, 1 tsp)
1y (complex carb) and ENERGIZE
WORKOUT with Hydrate
RECOVER and 1p
1r, 1y, 1g, 1b, 1tsp
1r, 1g, 1p
1r, 1y, 1g, 1o, 1 tsp
RECHARGE with 1tsp

Here are some guidelines to think about
1. Time your yellows and purples around your workout. Yellows when eaten at the correct time provide ENERGY to your muscles. They should be taken 30-45 min prior to working out. In addition you will notice that the last yellow is consumed in early evening. This is important because if you eat yellows too close to bed than the body doesn’t burn the energy so it stores it as FAT. 

2.  Reds provide growth and recovery for muscles. Ideally you should have a protein POST workout however if you are taking the performance than you can have your reds spread out throughout your day and drink Recover post workout. Keep your reds lean and switch them up because you will get tired of eggs every morning and chicken every night.

3.  Best post workout meals would include a red, yellow, green and blue if eaten within ONE HOUR after working out. If the meal is eaten more than 60 min from workout than either remove the yellow or the blue since your body is essentially done burning and has switched to being at rest.

4. Drink LOTS AND LOTS of WATER. Like a gallon. Seriously, this will help your muscles flush out toxins and hydrates your cells.

5. If you are an instructor  you have 2 options
a.       Treat your class as your workout. This is great for formats like PiYo and Cize because you are moving with the class the entire time.
b.      Switch up your meal plan so that you have enough calories to get through the day. For example if you work out first thing in the AM eat 1-2r, 1-g, 1y and 1p right after your workout. Your body is still burning up to an hour after exercise so consuming high calories is acceptable. The prior to teaching class fuel with 1red and 1y 

One last thing… Why is the Performance Line NOT counted toward containers?? Simply put, when taken at the correct time the calories ingested are burned or stored to help your muscles. Remember this is a muscle building program and muscles need calories to grow and recover. The supplements in the Performance Line are scientifically formulated to help your body build muscle. A quick review of when these should be taken:
Energize- 15-30 min prior to workout
Hydrate- during workout in 8 oz of water (or 16 oz if the workout is 60 min)
Recover- IMMEDIATELY after workout (no more than 30 min after)
Creatinine- just mix it in with Recover
Recharge- 1 hour before bed

For more information about the Performance Line check out my take on Youtube

Was your question NOT answered? Post it in the comments.

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