Saturday, January 31, 2015

Cauliflower Buffalo Chicken Dip

Looking for a clean buffalo dip to bring to your Superbowl Party??

Makes about 15 servings
Nutrition per serving:  39 calories; 6g protein; 2g carbs; 1g fat

What you need

12 oz cauliflower (can be frozen)
1 cup cottage cheese
1/2 cup feta cheese
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper (feel free to spice it up more)
2 Tbsp hot sauce (again you can add more or less)
1 cup cooked shredded chicken
Things to dip: veggies, pretzels, baked mini bagels (the sky's the limit)

What you need to do

1. Preheat oven to 350 F

2. Steam cauliflower until SOFT and TENDER, I recommend chopping it up into smaller pieces so it will steam faster

3. Place all ingredients in blender (I use a NINJA or immersion blender)

4. Blend, depending on how you like the consistency. I like mine a little more chunky but this is TOTALLY up to you!

5. Bake at 350 F until war all the way through (approx. 15-20 min)... The top may start to bubble.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Is IIFYM Right for YOU?

You've seen this in the news and it is taking the nutrition craze by storm but determining if IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros) is right for you BEGINS with YOU! You may look at this in the end and be like "there is NO way I can eat this many calories" or "F all this MATH". This lifestyle takes commitment however once you lay the groundwork the lifestyle is so much easier.

So What Is IIFYM?
IFFYM is a lifestyle that looks specifically at micronutrients (protein, crabs and fats) for each individual. The essential gist is that as long as your total food fits within the determined percentages of each macro than you should see progress. I use "progress" because it really depends on what your goal is; those who want to gain (or bulk) will have drastically different marcos than someone who is looking to lose weight.

Wait, I can eat whatever I want?
Yes! But like all things wonderful there is a catch. Let's use the example of someone who is trying to lose weight. If their percentages are 50% protein, 30% Carbs, and 20% fats and they are eating mostly processed foods than weight loss will be VERY difficult. Ideally, people who live the IIFYM lifestyle are also living a "clean" lifestyle. Sure you can have a slice of pizza or sushi and as long as it fits your macros than you will see progress. However, true IIFYMers are eating those types of food as "treat meals" sporadically rather than as the norm.

What are the benefits of IIFYM?
 It's less restrictive than most "diets". There are really not as many harsh rules about what you CAN or CANNOT eat. This is appealing to many.

What are the downfalls?
This lifestyle requires something's
  1. MATH- I suck at (just ask my boyfriend)! The first time I tried to figure my macros I sat frustrated for 2 hours. I almost gave up but then it JUST clicked! Now I know my macros like I know my SS#
  2. A FOOD SCALE- Its essential because everything relies on your capability the measure your food.
  3. A TRACKING SYSTEM- This can be easy... There are a bunch of free apps however I am a pen and paper kinda gal. Find a system that works for you!
  4. A SYSTEM OF MEAL PLANNING- It's essential that you have your week planned out. This makes shopping easier and will keep you accountable.
How Do I Calculate My Macros?
I'll break it down into steps
  1. Determine your goal.
    1. To gain
    2. To lose
  2. Determine your calories per day to meet your goal
    1. Determine your maintenance calories (REE + TEA +TEF)
    2. TEA activity multipliers
      1. Resting Energy Expenditure-REE (how many calories/day the body will burn at REST)
        1. body weight x 10
      2. Thermic Effect of Activity- TEA (increased expenditure by activity level)
        1. Chose activity level from chart on right
        2. Take REE x activity level
      3. Thermic Effect of Feeding-TEF (slight increase in metabolic rate when food is ingested- That's RIGHT you BOOST metabolism by EATING)
        1. TEA x 10%= additional calories 
        2. TEA + additional calories
    3. Determine calories base off goals
      1. To gain: multiply maintenance by .20 then ADD to maintenance
      2. To lose: multiply maintenance by .20 then SUBTRACT from maintenance
  3. Determine the right ratio of macros (protein-carbs-fats)
    1. To bulk 40-40-20
    2. To build lean muscle 50-40-10
    3. For fat loss 65-25-10
  4. Determine macros
    1. Take calories from step 2 based off goals and multiply by the ratio you chose in step 3. This tell you how many calories of those you must eat. to convert to grams 
      1. there are 4 calories per gram of protein and carb
      2. there are 9 calories per gram  of fat

Lets do an example together:

Gender: Female
Weight: 145 lb
Activity level: Moderate
Goal: to lose weight

REE= 145 x 10 =1450
TEA= 1450 x 1.8 = 2610
TEF= 2610 x .10 = 261 + 2610 = 2871

2871 x .20 =574.2
2871 - 574.2 = 2296 calories per day

Protein- 2296 x .65 =1492.4 / 4 = 373.1 g per day
Carbs- 2296 x .25 = 574 / 4= 143.5 g per day
Fats- 2296 x .10 = 229.6 / 9 = 25.5 g per day

You can also go the super easy route and use an IIFYM calculator like the one found at but wouldn't you rather KNOW how to get your own calculaiton??

McDonald, Lyle (1998). The Ketogenic Diet: A Complete Guide for the Dieter and Practitioner.Morris Publishing: Kearney, NE. 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Competition Style Training AT HOME

For many of you who have followed my journey to the NPC stage know that the amount of dedication and commitment is unlike anything I have ever done! After competing I have had a lot of inquiries about  my training and nutrition. I am excited to announce that competition prep can now be started AT HOME and I PLAN on including this in my 2015 plan!!

February 1st , Beachbody is launching a new program called  21 day FIX EXTREME!

How does this sound?

  • 21 days
  • 30 min 7 days/week
    • steady state-aerobics
    • resistance training
    • plyometrics
  • portion controlled nutrition
    • calculated based off your needs
    • only clean foods
    • Healthiest meal of the day- Shakeology
    • Extreme recipes to get you SHREDDED
  • 1:1 support

Don't you have to lift heavy for competition prep?
The short answer...depends. Yes, when I was prepping I went to the gym everyday and lifted. Why? Because I didn't have access to the RIGHT workout to allow me to accomplish my goals at home. BUT after previewing 2 of these workouts, (one was actually LIVE with Autumn) I realized that you can mold and shape your body with your body and a combination of light and heavy weights.

Why portion control?
Simply eating clean is NOT enough to get the maximum results. Competition nutrition is all about macro calculation and TIMING nutrient intake. The FIX EXTREME will not only get you eating the proper foods but along with the guidance in the support group we will determine when the right time to eat specific nutrients.

Support is HERE and it's FREE
One thing I learned is that competition prep requires MEGA mulla. Taking out the suit, food, tan and beauty needs, hiring a coach can range between $150-$300+/month!!! HOLY cow! Although, I think
Team Cala-Haven
compe coaches are VITAL for those wishing to qualify for national placement, they are not REQUIRED for us all! But there is no need to do this on your own!

So Team Cala-Haven (see what I did there) is officially in recruitment mode. We are looking to help 5 5 people this February get their contest prep on! Even if you think competitions are not for you, if you are ready to simply SHRED yourself than PLEASE JOIN US!!

Registration opens TODAY!  >> CLICK HERE 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Building an Empire through Reationships

I recently had the opportunity to travel to Pittsburgh, PA for Team Beachbody's Super Saturday. As my upline coaching team is from Pittsburgh I do not get this chance often! Let me tell you the things I learned about this team and our FEARLESS, INSPIRING, AUTHENTIC leader seriously BLEW my mind.

What is Super Saturday?
For all those non Beachbody people, Super Saturday is an event held quarterly nationwide. Coaches (and guests) get the latest scoop on new products, incentives and rewards. Also, success stories are featured, these are not necessarily physical either. Many successes with Team Beachbody are about confidence, financial freedom, and spiritual.

Yes we LOST, I'm trying not to dwell
Let me fill you in on my MINDSET prior to attending... Not business related but certainly something I am passionate about, there was a pretty MAJOR NFL playoff game. Yes, I am a Ravens fan which means for several months out of the year I DO NOT MESH WELL with  Pittsburgh based team. As the Ravens were playing the Patriots the same weekend, I thought to myself "You have to go because already paid a deposit."

YUP 1,000 PEEPS!!!
So the excitement began with the fact there were literally 1,000 beachbody coaches and guests that PACKED the Omni William Penn in downtown Pittsburgh! Seriously 1,000 people who have made the commitment to support others in reaching goals! Yes, it was packed and yes there was Shakeology and Max 30 EVERYWHERE but you know what for the first time since my days as a swimmer I felt like I was surrounded by people who had a similar vision as me.

We smile the SAME
The second snippet of excitement was that a MAJOR honor was being presented. The top coach for 2014 (part of my upline) is from Pittsburgh. Now as a Baltimorean I typically would NOT be PRAISING anything Pittsburgh however, this is a tremendous honor!

Dressed up Autumn, greasy haired Lauren
To piggyback on the second exciting aspect, the CEO of Beachbody, Mr. Carl Daikeler was there ALONG with one of the celebrity trainers, fellow bikini competitor AND creator of the 21 Day FIX Autumn Calabrese (talk about #WCW)!!!Just add to the excitement we got the opportunity to MEET BOTH and get some photos! SWEET!!!
Our FEARLESS KB leader, Mrs. Katy Ursta

There was a LIVE 21 Day FIX EXTREME workout lead by Autumn!!! I believe the bystanders stated it smelled like a hockey locker room (I'm assuming that is a BAD thing) but NO one cared!

Surrounded by like minded peeps
As if this isn't enough, the amount of celebrating had for the entire weekend was unparalleled to any thing I have ever encountered. To a diamond dinner hosted by my courageous leader, Katy Ursta and a full out PARTY with over 350 coaches at a snazzy champagne bar; I truly felt blessed to have been apart such an amazing event!

Here is my POST Super Saturday MINDSET:
Yes the JUG made the journey
The value of connecting with the people you only talk through on Zoom calls or see on FB through posts is PRICELESS! The team that has been built was not started for the notion of making money or being number 1 in the company. This TEAM is a group of regular Silly Sallies, who are like minded, who often times are not a "with it" but have made the commitment to BETTER themselves and if that meant inspiring others than that was just a bonus!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Max 30 Week 4- New Years, sweat and focused nutrition

The holidays have come and GONE! New Years resolutions have been made and we already 4 FOUR DAYS INTO 2015! I rung the New Year in with my nieces ad nephews AND my luva! We played Apples to Apples, the boys played some Madden (I think the Ravens WHOOPD up on the 49ers) and chowed down on some stuffed shells. The ball dropped and another year concluded. I was in bed and asleep by 12:45, don't be jealous! I was up and working out at 6:30am New Years Day, starting my day off on a good night.
Now I have not been the most focused on my nutrition, I vaguely remember ice cream cake and pigs in a blank. I'm not dwelling on those set backs however. I have set myself up for success for my final week of Max 30 MONTH 1! Wow I cannot believe it!

The workouts have been HARD and have challenged both my body and my mind! I'm still pushing play and maxing out everyday. So there's that.

I went shopping for new jeans and because my thighs have been GROWING I had to purchase curvy!!! When the sales rep suggested them I was discouraged. I don't consider myself curvy by any means. When I put those suckers on I felt AMAZING. S looks like 2015 I will be embracing my thunder thighs!

Back to my down right shitty nutrition. As I prepped for my week I realized that my body (an my mind) are tried of eating the same things. So I got a little creative. I came up with some killer recipes to trick my taste buds but keep with my nutrition plan.

This meal plan may look strange being color coded and all but there is a rhyme and reason to this. See Max 30 is not just an intense workout, it also is a highly focused nutrition plan. However, most people struggle with meal planning SOOO ShaunT made it simple. Depending on your weight you eat a certain about of protein, starches, veggies, fruit, fats, and oils. Simple enough.

Back to the new recipes!

The first is a Scallop and Asparagus Saute. Since having eaten my fair share of chicken and tilapia during contest prep, I've simply been FED up with that bland shit. This recipe, is super easy and FULL of flavor!!! Let me know what you think.

The second (also a seafood) is an Arugula Chickpea Salad with Shrimp. Now being a Mary;ander mean that I simply LOVE Old Bay and steamed shrimp with Old Bay is simply heaven to me! However I am not in the need of all that extra sodium so, I came up with this simple little thing so I can enjoy my shrimp but not the retention!

Mealing planning doesn't have to be difficult, and with help ANYONE can do it. Sure it's not easy and there are tons of temptations that will try to prevail but if you have a strong enough goal than no temptation can stand in your way!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Managing 4 Jobs: How I Make It All Work

I will start this out by stating that there is NO EASY way, sacrifices have been made and MANY MANY MANY tears have been shed. You will not get any BS about how anyone can do it, that it doesn't take that much effort and that it was PAINLESS! All those things and MORE have been experienced first hand by this momma right here!

Let me start with WHAT 4 jobs I have...
One of my Mommy, Inc. employees

Mom My number 1 and most important job. I have held this position for 7 years and as CEO and CFO I'd say that the company is doing really well. The communication is there, although miscommunication does occur. We have been able to keep the costs down by not expanding (for now) which allows spoiling of the current employees.

9-5 Now this is used "loosely" because as a FTE with no option for overtime some weeks I work 40 hours and others I work 60 hours. Pay is the same, hassles are the same and dread of opening email is similar to many people in the corporate world. I work in clinical research and I am fortunate enough to be able to work from my home and not have to commute to the office.

LOVE my "personal gym" in my basement
Fitness Freak I stumbled upon this thing called fitness and healthy lifestyle 2 years ago. I was laid off from my 9-5 and had a month or so my next 9-5 started. So with my spare time I joined a challenge group on FB and went to Bikram Yoga EVERYDAY! It quickly became a hobby which swiftly turned to an obsession. I now train 30 min of cardio every morning, teach PiYo LIVE 2x week and lift 3-4x week.

Health and Fitness Coach Around the same time as Fitness Freak, I decided that helping others feel as great as I did was something I had passion for. So I jumped right in and began inviting people to go on a the journey with me. I get the privilege of watching transformations happen and goals being met! Not to mention I now have a friend base that is positive, optimistic and inspiring.

WHY 4 jobs...?

Because I like getting little sleep and being glued to my email all day...?? Kidding. They happened in sequence, I became a mother and quickly became a single mother. I finished up my bachelors degree and of course had a minimum wage job as a contractor at the university I graduated from (no insurance might I add). Then through family connections (cause lets be honest getting better jobs is all about who you know) I landed a MUCH better contracting gig in clinical research! So long no insurance and crappy wages, hello 401k, employee stock purchase plan and PAID vacation!! SWEET... Fast forward 2.5 years... That cushy job with the 401k and paid vacation went bye bye due to a buy out. So December 2012 I was LAID off! That didn't stop me! I hopped right into health and fitness (first for me then to help others).

2 Years Later: How do I do it?
The more color coded the BETTER
My days, weeks, months and year are VERY scheduled. Organization has never been a weakness for me. I have three calendars: Mommy, 9-5 and Health and Fitness. My iCalendar acts as my control center.
You know those employees in the Mommy company? They know what my day and week look like. We discuss the upcoming week on Sunday. Who has swim team, who has a nightly meeting, what days they go to daddy's house. The 9-5 is a bit more flexible in that I am present during those hours, attend scheduled meetings and meet my daily requirements. My health and fitness happens primarily during a "POWER HOUR" (or 90 min) 6 days per week.
Everything is on a budget; time and money especially. This might be the actual KEY to how i keep things together. I set up a process and stick with it even when I don't feel like it.
Yes I make MAJOR sacrifices! I start my day at 5-5:3am Monday-Friday and 6:30am Saturday and Sunday. My body is used to it by now so I don't consider it a sacrifice but in the beginning it was not so easy. My day is OVERLY scheduled which makes flexibility somewhat difficult. An idea of an exciting evening is renting a movie from Redbox and falling asleep halfway through (again I don't find this as a sacrifice but assume it would be considered one).

Is it all worth it?
Short answer, YES! I'm building my financial freedom, showing my little one the importance of commitment and being true to yourself and focusing on ME rather than everyone else! Are there times I want to throw in the towel, YES! But those are actually the times when I work BEST! I want to be able look back and say I got here and couldn't have done one finger nail MORE!