Tuesday, November 4, 2014

NPC Bikini Competition OVER. NOW onto...

Well I DID IT!!! I stepped WAY far out of my comfort zone and completed my first NPC Bikini Competition. If you asked me to describe the experience in one word I'd say "EXHILARATING"!

The training was LONG, and peak week was no fucking JOKE! Some days I had three workouts followed by visits to the sauna. The workouts were not what concerned me though. The nutrition was something I struggled with the entire time so WHY on EARTH would I think peak week would be any different? It was different actually, it was ridiculously HARD! I mean the amount of salt needed and the water seriously was killing me!!! With a minimum of 2 gallons of water until the Wednesday before and at least 2 tbs of salt per day, I was feeling "heavy" (not to mention BROKE from all the TP I was using). Tilapia is something I will not be consuming for at least two weeks.

That all being said... I wouldn't change the experience for the WORLD! I made some amazing friends, learned some true hardcore shit about myself, and discovered I still have some work to do!

So on to what everyone is most excited about, the PICS!

Let's talk about the spray tan... My friend Jessica (who won 5th in class A bikini- You go girl!) and I agreed that this was quite an experience. For a spray tan virgin, I was not nearly prepared for the experience! First of all the prep you have to put your body through; scrubbing, moisturizing, scrubbing some more leaves your skin kinda raw but soft. Shaving your ENTIRE body is time consuming, I mean I probably went through 8 or nine pack of razors in the last 12 weeks! My poor boyfriend was such a trooper when it came to standing in the shower and shaving my back, butt, and shoulders (thanks babe)!

The liquid is cold and the fan drying you is cold, the room was cold and I felt tacky afterwards. You are completely naked as are all the other ladies! The technicians point to a tent and you strip then move to the spray tent where no part of your body is off limits (my vagina has never looked so tan)! You move to another tent and "dry". The it's all loose black clothing all night until it's suit time. This is certainly something I wish I could bypass next time.

Me, Jessica and Nikki
   I got LITTLE sleep... I was sweating and nervous as all hell. I had a snafu with my hair stylist so I had to figure out how to curl my hair on my own... EEKK! Once at the venue I realized just how BIG this show was... Nearly 50 girls in novice and 17 in Class C! That's pretty freaking HUGE!! Everyone looked AMAZING, especially my girls Jessica and Nicki. I got my spray tan touched up, my makeup applied and it was time to wait for Bikini Class C. Once lined up, my nerves kicked into high gear. I was the second person to come out and I was SHAKING the entire time. Not only that but imagine having to hold a "not fake" smile for tem min! I face was def twitching by the end!
Front Pose

Back Pose
SO I learned that I have MAJOR work to do on my posing... Although I spent time on it, the suggested 45 min/day at least 4-5x week was clearly what I was lacking! Lesson learned for next time :)

Where the REAL MAGIC Happened

It really wasn't on stage where all the awesome things happened. It was BACKSTAGE! All the preparation, nerves and excitement was culminated backstage. It's where oddly enough I felt most calm and I owe all that credit to the awesome ladies and gents that were right there along with me!

<< We posed because there was nothing better to do
 I met some pretty amazing ladies who worked their asses off! >>
 << Yes we let loose and had some fun

OO and I met Jay Cutler (and no this is NOT a cut out) >>

In the END...
I learned 
~that with determination and a scary goal anything is possible
~that I LOVE competing although I wasn't pleased with my overall outcome
~that this was harder than I thought

Would I do it again???


But for now I will EAT OREOS and PIZZA
Celebratory Oreos with the girls

MMM pizza!!!

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