Saturday, August 9, 2014


It's that time of year again

I can't believe I have a FIRST grader!!! Seriously she needs to S L O W her roll! I got super PUMPED when the mailman came and delivered Lorelai's packet. Then I started to STRESS! the school supplies, packing lunches again, early wake-ups; i just don't know if I can handle it!

I recently asked some of my friends how they relieved stress. The number 1 answer:


HMMM... this got me thinking (dangerous I know)... If there are moms like me that stress about the school year than maybe there are moms that would be interested in a B O O T C A M P.

Now if you have have ever taken one of my INSANITY classes you know, that I can be a down right B I T C H. I push you, get in your face, and require you to dig deep. Why? Because I KNOW that your head is getting in your own way.

So here is what I am thinking. We have a 60 Day Mommy Boot Camp, Beachbody style
What does that mean?
You COMMIT to the following
1. A workout program
2. Drinking Shakeology every day

How will this be different?
1. I'm going to P U S H you
2. I'm going to keep you accountable
3. I'm NOT going to let you give up ("failure is NOT an option)

Boot Camp will begin August 18th
I have a feeling SPOTS will FILL UP FAST! Complete this application to get started

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