Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Golden Egg Opportunity

What’s a Golden Egg Opportunity anyway?

Hear me out on this… I embarked on my personal fitness and health journey almost 3 years ago. I wasn't seeking a quick fix because I had TRIED them all!!! For someone who was skinny fat, I fell for the gimmicks pills and pink drinks offered. I mean who wouldn't fall for advertisement that did require you do ANYTHING except drink something or swallow a pill or two? So did those things work? Yeah sure they did. I became an emaciated person that not many people recognized and even went to the ER due to stomach pains that my doctor concluded were because of the CRAP I was ingesting…

So the month after I was laid off from my corporate job I was visiting my best friend and she had a bag of Shakeology on her counter. After a brief conversation she got me in touch with her cousin who “sold it”. This complete STRANGER actually emailed me back and asked me questions about my fitness level, my eating habits and WHY I was interested in Shakeology (I didn't even know there was a fitness aspect at all). After several exchanges I decided to “try out” Insanity: Asylum along with Shakeology. I was going into this “challenge group” thing completely BLIND!!! I didn't know a single person in the group (not even my coach) and then was being asked to post pictures!!! UMM ok you have LOST your MIND!!!

1 year into the business and I purchased my property all with my earnings!
Well that perspective lasted 2 weeks! I contacted my coach and said “I want to do what you are doing”. “Jackpot” she was thinking, “I've caught another one”! WRONG! We spent time talking about WHAT this business is, how my personality would fit into the team and ensuring I knew what I was getting myself into. You see I STILL didn’t have a job offer on the table so I was certainly NOT in the position as a single mom with a mortgage, car payment and student loans to be just THROWING my money into a scheme (although until recently I think my family thought that was what I was doing).

Fast track 3 years, I am a leader on one of the elite teams in the business and my own team is GROWING… This is where YOU come in. The Golden Egg Opportunity is me offering you an elite spot on my team to maximize growth and potential. Through personal support and training, I am committed to helping others find the financial success they have wanted on their own terms.

The nature of this opportunity is that there are only 3 spots available… I know super exclusive but well worth it!!! 

In order to take advantage of this offer please complete the attached form below. Submissions close on Sunday August 29,2015

Fill out my online form.
Use Wufoo integrations and get your data to your favorite apps.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Feel the Burn: The DL on Lactic Acid

I don't know if it's because I am pregnant or if I am just noticing it more because I am not working my body the same, but man is the BURN for REAL!

I often hear from clients that they HAD to take several days off because the burn in their muscles was so intense, like can't sit down without looking like you have major hemorrhoid issues, BAD! We have all been there and will likely be there again! We often times blame this burn on lactic acid but really it is hydrogen break down that is causing the burn!!! What's more the lactic acid build up is actually essential for easing muscle mid-workout burn.

So let's break this down into it's components.

What is Lactic Acid?
Actually called lactate, it's a by product of glycolysis; breaking down of carbs, glycogen, and other molecules to produce a high-energy compound called ATP. ATP is then broken down, releasing energy and other molecules, including hydrogen, into the muscles (Janet Hamilton, C.S.C.S., an exercise physiologist at Running Strong in Atlanta).

So Why Hydrogen?
It all has to do with your body's pH level during exercise. Hydrogen builds up which lowers your pH causing your body to be more acidic (I know a little middle chemistry lesson here but stay with me). This acidic environment interferes with your muscle fibers ability to contract. That's the B U R N you feel. 

When Can this be Expected?
The accumulation of hydrogen begins when you have surpassed your anaerobic threshold (about 85-90% of your maximum heart rate). Training for 20-30 min at your 85-90% maximum heart rate will increase your lactate threshold.

How Long Does It Last?
The muscle soreness associated with the workout burn should diminish within in several hours after an intense workout. So all those clients who are feeling the pain days later are experiencing actually experiencing something called "delayed onset  muscle soreness". This is actually when you you have micro tears and/or swelling in your muscles (needed for muscle growth). 

What Can You Do to Alleviate the Pain?
To put it simply, there isn't any way to PREVENT glycolysis, unless you are planning on NOT digging deep and pushing hard during your exercises. However you can alleviate some of the pain by

  1. Continue to exercise intensely for 20-30 min/day 3-5x/week. I know crazy, exercise more to decrease the burn. Remember we can improve our threshold. Think about it, when you start a new exercise program like Max 30, isn't the first week the toughest? You are sore, you barely last to the first water break and you are exhausted. However as you continue through the next three weeks, your time improves, your muscles last longer and you begin to feel energized... You are increasing your threshold just by being consistent every day.
  2. Stay HYDRATED! This doesn't mean drinking just while working out but also throughout the day. This does not include sugary, preservative loaded carbonated drinks. You best bet is is a drink that is well balanced in healthy sugars, electrolytes, and water (also known as fluids osmolality). Try something like Beachbody Performance Line: Hydrate as an alternative.
  3. Know your limits. If starting a new high intense program be sure you know how to modify if needed to avoid injury. Always speak to a medical professional is you are ensure the workout regimen is appropriate for you. 
  4. Educate yourself so you know the difference between acidic imbalance due to accumulation of hydrogen and delayed onset muscle soreness. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Quinoa Salad With A ZING

Talk about AMAZEBALLS... I am a HUGE fan of quinoa and any opportunity I get to incorporate it into my meal plans I do!

While on an excursion with my mother to register for baby items and find a comfortable chair out tummies started rumbling... We had the option to go to the mall food court (gross) or to sit down for a meal at PF Chang's but then we walked past Zoe's Kitchen.

Now I am not a salad fan although I wish I were one. So of course my eyeballs searched all the other categories. Then I saw it! QUINOA!!!

Here is my spin on Quinoa Salad.

Makes 1 serving

What You Need:
1/4 cup cooked quinoa
1 cup shredded Romaine Lettuce
4 cherry tomatoes (halved)
1/4 cup cucumbers (diced)
5 Kalamata Olives (halved)
1 Tbs feta cheese
2 tsp Olive Oil
1 tsp fresh lemon juice
salt (optional to taste)
pepper (optional to taste)
3 oz. lean protein (optional)

What You Need to Do:
1. Cook quinoa according to directions on packaging. I like mine to be cold for this recipe so I prepped the day before and let it cool overnight in the refrigerator.
2. Prep all veggies
3. Mix all ingredients together

Fix portions
1 RED (optional)
1 tsp