Thursday, November 6, 2014

Personal Devleopment and Inviting: Using it to your Advantage

It's the easiest thing to do but also the easy thing NOT to do! As entrepreneurs, continual growth is a MUST and this primarily comes from reading, listing and attending seminars on areas of weakness in our personal or professional lives.

First thing first, DO NOT think what one coach is reading is what YOU should be reading! That's right, you are in your own journey and at a different stage than everyone else around you so stop trying to personally develop based off them!

 So how do you determine what personal development you should start next in terms of inviting people to you opportunity?? I've broken it down into THREE categories. But the very first step is to do some self analysis. You've got to think about what YOUR strengths are and what YOUR weaknesses are.

1. Lack of confidence to send an initial message or reach out.

     Ok, so I know there are people who look at this and go "Seriously?? If you can't send an initial invite than you will not succeed in network marketing". This is true BUT doesn't have to be RULE for you. This lack of confidence is totally reversible and should begin again with YOU! For coaches within my downline that struggle with sending initial messages I always ask them "Why did you decide to join this business?" I hear "to help people", "to inspire people", "to gain financial freedom". My response to them... "Bull Shit... I know you have something BETTER than that". This coming from a coach that took 18 months to figure out her "real" why!!! So if you need to connect on a deeper level with why you joined this business, then PLEASE check out Start With Why  by Simon Sink.

    The second roadblock that impedes confidence is relationship building. You cannot just send massive invites to very person on FB or IG or on your contact list without knowing SOMETHING about them. You will only come off as a sleazy car salesman and that is NOT what we are about! You've got to get to know them, know not only what their health and fitness struggles are but also their financial, personal, martial, etc. The only way you will get these nuggets of information is to build a slid trust foundation. People gravitate to you because they TRUST you, they are inspired by you, and they believe in you. Successful recruiters build relationships that last LONG after the sale is completed. If this is an area you struggle with that go check out Breakthrough Networking: Building Relationships that Last (3rd Ed.) by Lillian D. Bjorseth.

2. No problem sending the invite but then you don't know how to SHUT your mouth and LISTEN.

    I think this should be broken down based on the invitation; client or business builder. For clients, gaining their trust should be KEY. I mean we are dealing with some SENSITIVE aspects and people are not just willy hilly telling people their weight or financial struggles. SO, you have to learn to listen and this starts by ASKING QUESTIONS. Not "how much do you weigh?" or "Would you be interested in participating in a program where you could lose up to 15 labs in 21 days?" These are void of any emotion on your end. The art of listening is to ask a question like "why do you think top can't lose those last 15lbs you gained after you had you last child?" THEN SHUT YOUR LIPS!!! When they have answered follow up with another engaging question. If you need to freshen up on your listening skills check out The Lost Art of Listening (2nd Ed.): How Learning to Listen Can Improve Relationships by Michael P. Nichols.

    For business builders we often spend A LOT of time answering the financial side of the opportunity. Don't get me wrong it is amazing and a direct reflection of what YOU put in. But I will say that if your recruiting is focused on the financial gains your team will take FOREVER to succeed. Recruiting is about building your network and there is no greater expert than Eric Worre. In his book Go Pro: 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marking Professional great Worre provides strategies on where, how, when and who you should b recruiting and most important how to keep them engaged.

3. Invite sent, FORM completed, now its OBJECTION time

    We hear objections more than anything else as a health and fitness coach! Successful coaches know how to KNOCK those objections out of the park. These skills come DIRECTLY from personal development. You may have heard the phrase "I don know, but all I know is..." Genius right??  By combating the objection with support, you offer validity to you point. Something else to think about is validate their objection by acknowledging it. This strategy helps you build your relationship and even if they do not take your challenge or join you team you have planted the see. Always remember a "no" is simply a "not now". If you struggle with handling objections that you need Go For No!  by Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz.


*You need personal development when....

* Determine YOUR personal needs and chose personal development that will strengthen your weaknesses

*Format doesn't matter, only content and how you apply it

*Success in the inviting process begins with YOU

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